My Spouse or My Kids?

My Kids or My Spouse?

You married for love. You married forever. But you never expected your marriage would involve having to choose between your new spouse an...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Tips - #4

 Stepfamily Holiday Survival Tip #4:

Concentrate on making these Holy Days instead of holidays.

The holidays we celebrate today all began as religious observations. In fact, we get out word “holiday” from the original term, “holy day,” which in earlier times was the term for a period of religious celebration, reflection, or remembrance. Through the years, however, commercialism and frantic expectations, and a general turning away from things spiritual, have distracted us from the true reason we celebrate our most cherished family traditions of Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year, and Easter.

Some families, rather than fall prey to the commercial influences of a retail Christmas season, even go so far as to hold a birthday party for Jesus for their children! Rather than give all the gifts to each other, the best gifts go to homeless, poor, or sick families nearby. By leading their families in this charitable activity, they both help the children to learn to care for others, and the expand the holiday experience beyond their own immediate homes.

Whether you are a Christian, or you practice another faith, or none at all, this practice of giving to others less fortunate than yourselves can move your holiday mindset from competition and frustration to reflection and patience. And it can help both bio- and stepchildren to look past their own feelings. If you can help stepchildren focus on something besides their own challenges of remembering past family celebrations and home exchanges, you can bring perspective to their own situation.

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[NOTE: this is an excerpt from our guide book, Beat the Holiday Blues.]

Watch for more guidelines between now and Christmas to help you survive and enjoy holidays with your family!

You are NOT alone! We love you and we can help.

God bless your whole, wonderful family,
STEPcoach Bob Collins

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